Al­ex­an­der von Hum­boldt Fel­low Dr. Lit­ao Zhu has star­ted his re­search work with us at the chair

Since January 2023, Dr. Litao Zhu has been employed as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Chair of Fluid Process Engineering. Dr. Zhu completed his PhD thesis on "Development of mesoscale models for gas-solid fluidization reactors and data-driven modeling" at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) in 2021.
Dr. Zhu will be working on CFD and data-driven modeling of mass and heat transfer in packed bed reactors in a postdoctoral role. The goal of this work is to develop a data-driven model for describing fluid dynamics and mass / heat transport in packed bed reactors.

We wish Dr. Litao Zhu good luck with his work in Paderborn!