10th Join­ing Tech­no­logy Sym­posi­um on 1 and 2 Decem­ber as Web Kolloqui­um

The "Technology Symposium for mechanical joining technology" of DVS, EFB and FOSTA has been a fixed date in the joining industry calendar for many years. It was actually planned that the joint colloquium would take place this year in Rostock with the host Fraunhofer IGP. However, the year 2020 has presented us all with enormous challenges against the background of the continuing corona pandemic and so it is unfortunately not yet possible to meet us again personally in Rostock. Thus, the Colloquium 2020 will celebrate a premiere and take place online. Despite everything, the Fraunhofer IGP sees itself as host and invites you to break new ground together with the EFB.

However, the past years have shown us how important the professional exchange among colleagues in mechanical joining technology is, especially with regard to current research projects. In addition to the web colloquium, an interactive, virtual exhibition is planned, in which the LWF is also involved. We are looking forward to making new contacts and reviving old ones, to interesting discussions and a lively exchange. You can find the link to the exhibition here: https://www.fuegetechnik.org/ausstellerpraesentationen.html

There is - as every year - the possibility to discuss questions with different experts in a short time and to come back with solutions for your own house or to give impulses for further common research work. 2020 is a challenging year that will put this discourse in a completely new light and make the exchange of ideas seem more important than ever. The LWF will again be represented with numerous lectures this year. LWF is involved in a total of six presentations.

Current projects in mechanical joining technology are dedicated to the most urgent fields of development and benefit from the funding system for joint industrial research (IGF) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) and the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations "Otto von Guericke" e. V. (AiF).

Further information on the joint colloquium can be found at: https://www.fuegetechnik.org/gemeinschaftskolloquium.html

Participants of the 9th joint colloquium at the Lower Saxony Research Center for Automotive Engineering (NFF) in Braunschweig, December 2019