Know­ledge float­er (in­struc­tion­al video) on mech­an­ic­al join­ing pub­lished

The LWF has participated in such a knowledge floater and created an overview of mechanical joining processes. The knowledge floater shows that joining technology is a key technology for the efficient implementation and optimization of resource-efficient high-performance composite systems. The mechanical joining processes clinching, blind riveting, lockbolts, punch riveting, direct screwing and bolt setting are presented.
The knowledge floaters can be used free of charge and are specially designed for students, pupils and teachers at schools and universities as well as for further education. The videos are available via the website and via the YouTube channel Wissensfloater Further knowledge floaters and information can be obtained via the provider's website.
Knowledge Floater No. 120 - Mechanical Joining Methods is available via the following link: The LWF would like to thank the participating companies for providing the image and video material and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Richter for his advice on the project.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Richter
Phone 0202/47 49 99

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