Labor­at­ory of Ma­ter­i­als and Join­ing Tech­no­logy (LWF) reaches 4 mil­lion euros in third-party funds spent

University research is predominantly financed by grants from third parties (third-party funds) from research associations, foundations, federal and state ministries, either directly or via funding organizations such as the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) or the German Research Foundation (DFG), from the European Union or from industry. Thus, the third-party funds available to a university or college are readily seen as a performance criterion for professors.

In 2020, despite the challenging situation of the Corona pandemic, the Laboratory of Materials and Joining Technology (LWF) succeeded in setting a new record of third-party funds spent. In comparison, a total of 3.0 million euros was spent in 2017 and in 2020, the third-party funds spent increased to 4.0 million euros.

In recent years, the LWF has been able to further consolidate its position in the fields of new and further development of mechanical, adhesive bonding, thermal and hybrid joining technologies. The safe joining of high-performance materials in hybrid systems, the development of methods for joinability in innovative production chains of lightweight construction is an essential part of the research profile. Over the years since its foundation in 1976, it has been possible to develop unique selling points far beyond national borders.