New re­search pro­ject "Frac­ture­Sur­fa­ceTec" as part of the Start-Up Trans­fer.NRW pro­gram starts at the Labor­at­ory for ma­ter­i­al and join­ing tech­no­logy at the Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

In a new research project, scientists at the Laboratory for material and joining technology (LWF) are developing an analysis system for evaluating fracture surfaces of bonded joints. Building on a successfully completed publicly funded project, the objectives of the new project are the transfer of knowledge from research to industry by providing a marketable system for users and, in the long term, the company foundation. The start-up is also supported by the TecUP.

Bonded joints enable the production of innovative lightweight structures with optimal utilization of the material properties and thus the sustainable saving of resources. For release processes of new adhesives and materials, often many thousands of samples have to be produced, tested and the fracture surfaces evaluated. The technology to be developed should enable an automated, objectified and reproducible analysis of fracture surfaces of bonded joints.

The project "FractureSurfaceTec" is funded within the framework of the Start-Up Transfer.NRW program by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE.NRW).

Supported by the TecUP, LWF scientists develop a system for reproducible segmentation and classification of fracture surfaces of bonded joints