New re­search pro­ject "MET­EOR" starts at the Labor­at­ory of ma­ter­i­als and join­ing tech­no­logy (LWF)

With the collaborative research project METEOR (Methods and technologies for validating and optimizing the resource efficiency of process networks in the production of lightweight structures), a new research project is starting at the Laboratory of materials and joining technology (LWF) at the University of Paderborn.

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the production of lightweight structures by up to 80 percent - this is the goal of the joint project METEOR (Methods and technologies for validating and optimizing the resource efficiency of process networks in the production of lightweight structures) led by the Institute of lightweight structures and plastics engineering (ILK) at the TU Dresden.

Other partners from industry and research are supporting the research project, initially until 2023, in order to develop new ways of

The project is funded by the technology transfer program lightweight construction (TTP Lightweight) of the German federal ministry for economic affairs and energy (BMWi) in the amount of 6 million euros and is supported by the project management Jülich (PTJ).

Together with various project partners from industry and research, LWF scientists are developing methods and technologies to validate and optimize the resource efficiency of process networks in the manufacture of lightweight structures (METEOR).