Work­shop for In­ter­cul­tur­al Com­mu­nic­a­tion Com­pet­ence

In the workshop "Intercultural Communication Competence" students of mechanical engineering, led by Munira Jamal (centre), could learn that this is not the case. Thinking in stereotypes is comfortable, but on the international job market it doesn't help. The students were able to deal with their own values and the possible views of people from other societies in order to initiate their intercultural competence. It quickly became clear to everyone why it is worthwhile to develop one's own intercultural skills. Many employers are increasingly relying on business relationships with foreign companies. Someone who, with the help of tools and strategies, is in a position to critically question their own patterns of thought and habits, to find their own blind spot with regard to prejudices and to analyse different communication styles, has a clear advantage.

At the end of the session from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the students agreed that their efforts had paid off. They would recommend this workshop to anyone who plans to spend a longer period abroad, has already spent a period abroad, lives in Germany as an exchange student or works with people from abroad.