Cool­ing Ap­pli­ances

The cooling appliances laboratory is specialised in research on domestic cooling and refrigeration devices. Experiments referring to the influence of different technical solutions on the operating performance and energy consumption of these widely-spread mass products can be conducted in our four air-conditioned testing rooms of different sizes with a total of 21 measuring setups. Standard measurements, mainly conducted by commission of the devices’ manufacturers, are for example examining the energy consumption as well as the storage temperatures, analysis of temperature rise during power interruption, as well as determination of the freezing capacity and storage volume. All testing approaches are conducted according to international standards (EN 62552, IEC 62552-1,2,3). Due to our long-term cooperation with the standardisation bodies DIN (FNKä) NA 0044-00-05AA “domestic refrigerating appliances” and DKE/GUK 513.6 “refrigerating and freezing appliances” we are constantly participating in the development of these standards. If specific problems cannot be solved by means of the standards, we develop our own measurement and analysis methods, for example in case of user influence analyses related to energy consumption and operating performance of domestic cooling devices.

The following list provides an overview on current topics, which might also be investigated within the scope of student theses:

- cooling performance experiments/ load processing efficiency/ performance coefficients of refrigerating appliances
- deterioration of cooling and refrigeration devices/ long-term analyses
- energy consumption and operating performance of refrigeration devices under standard conditions and with user influence (conventional devices/ frost-free devices)
- fundamental studies regarding the new standard IEC 62552 (global standard/ comparison with old standard (EN 153)