Ther­mo­dy­nam­ics Col­loqui­um 2016

The Thermodynamics Colloquium 2016 of the ProcessNet Professional Unit “Thermodynamics” and the VDI-GEU expert committee “Thermodynamics” was hosted at the Technical University Kaiserslautern from 5th to 7th October 2016. As usual numerous employees of the ThEt participated. Tatjana Janzen gave a speech on “Diffusion coefficients of binary and ternary liquid mixtures by molecular simulations”. Dr. Gerhard Herres introduced one of his current projects to the audience: “Trilateral cycle with the working medium pentane and relaxation in a turbine”. Finally, Prof. Bardow was announced as new chairman and Prof. Vrabec as new second chairman of the VDI-GEU expert committee.