Laboratory for material and joining technology (LWF)
The Laboratory of Materials and Joining Technology (LWF) is a nationally and internationally recognized research institute with a focus on the field of joining technology, especially mechanical and thermal joining, adhesive bonding and hybrid joining. It is also occupied with data measurement and simulation.
The spectrum of the research and development work at LWF covers publicly funded basic and application-oriented research projects, bilateral industry cooperation and contract work. Special importance is attached to the training of young engineers and to knowledge transfer in industry and science.
As a partner to SMEs, large companies and sponsor organizations, we generate process-related, material-specific and constructive research results in material and joining technology, and develop them to a state of industrial maturity and production, especially with resource-efficient lightweight structures.
In the successful 40-year history of LWF, our results have found their way into numerous innovative product applications and have received many national and international awards.
Studying and working at LWF
Student and research staff tell how they came to the LWF. In the process, it becomes clear what the LWF stands for, why you should already be involved in research during your studies and what a successful team spirit looks like.
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Job offers
The Laboratory for material and joining technology is looking for research assistants in all fields of research!