After two years of restrictions due to the pandemic, the LWF was able to use January 2023 to offer excursions to cooperating companies as part of its courses. Hai Extrusion Germany GmbH in Soest was visited as part of the bachelor's course "Lightweight Materials" and MTU Maintenance Hannover GmbH as part of the master's course "Thermal Joining Processes". With over 15 participants in each case, the excursions were well received as a supplement…
Within the master lecture "Thermal Joining Processes" a one-day excursion to Tucker GmbH STANLEY Engineered Fastening was offered on 20.02.2020. After arriving by bus, the participants were welcomed by the plant manager and head of R&D during a friendly reception with a company presentation. The tour of the plant by the various plant and production managers then provided an impressive and deep insight into the main areas of focus of the plant in…
As part of the master lecture "Thermal Joining Processes", a one-day excursion to Tucker GmbH STANLEY Engineered Fastening in Gießen was offered on 21.01.2019.
On September 26, 2018, an excursion to Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH in Salzgitter took place as part of the lecture event "Joining of Lightweight Materials".