mb-cn part­ner meet­ing Novem­ber 2019

It is intended as an informal exchange: company representatives who support the paderborn version of the Maschinenbaumasterstudiums mb-cn and employees of the University of Paderborn as well as external lecturers meet twice a year and discuss the future development of the version mb-cn. This time the agenda included, for example, the Chinese VISA affairs for students and how mb-cn has to adapt at this point.

Finally, the mb-cn students, who participated in a summer school at the Chinese-German Technical Faculty (CDTF) in summer 2019, presented their impressions, which they could gather during this time. At the beginning of the mb-cn program, mechanical engineering students take part in this summerschool with a length of 4 weeks to find out if mb-cn is "the right thing" for them. After this summer school one thing is already clear: All students who participated in the summer school in 2019 want to continue the mb-cn program until the end and are already looking forward to their long stay of 5 months at the CDTF.

Students who would like to participate in the mb-cn programme themselves can participate in an information event on 21.11.2019 at 17:00 in room P1.3.01. Please register with Bowen Deng.