Wel­come Kath­ar­ina Ro­hde to the DMB Chair!

Hey, I'm Kathi and I'm very happy to be a new research assistant at the DMB!

Already during my studies and even now I am volunteering at the Hochschulgruppe Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (HG-WING e.V.), which is committed to the networking and further education of industrial engineering students. I am also active in ESTIEM, a Europe-wide organization for WING students, as the Local Responsible of the LG Paderborn. This has given me the desire to stay at the university and now also actively shape research and teaching for the students.

I am particularly interested in the research topics of additive manufacturing, design and sustainability.

I look forward to bringing my enthusiasm and commitment to the chair and actively contributing to the further development of our projects and study programs.

Kind regards
Katharina Rohde