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Welcome to Applied Mechanics

Applied Mechanics teaches and conducts research in the field of structural mechanics, fracture mechanics and biomechanics. The goals pursued are a profound and descriptive education of the students as well as a fundamental but also practice-oriented research. Another objective is an extensive cooperation with regional and international industrial companies.

In the application-oriented specialisation of the Bachelor's degree programme as well as in the Master's degree programme, the lectures offered include structural analysis, operational strength, fatigue cracks, finite element method and biomechanics. Various courses are successfully held every year. These are supported by our own application-oriented book publications and consistently rated very positively by the students.

In addition to qualified teaching, fundamental but also practice-oriented research is a defined goal. The research focuses include the investigation of the influence of stiffness jumps on crack propagation as well as of fatigue cracks under out-of-phase mixed mode loading. In cooperation with the research institution DMRC (Direct Manufacturing Research Center) located at the Paderborn University, we are also working on influencing the fatigue life of additively manufactured structures through the targeted insertion of notches. Moreover, we work on determining the fracture mechanical properties of additively manufactured materials and structures.

Extensive cooperation with regional and international industrial companies is also very important in applied mechanics, as it enables a particularly intensive practical relevance, which is taken up in the respective courses, e.g.:

• experimental determination of crack growth rate curves for various materials and different load combinations

• service life investigations of components and structures by means of numerical simulation

• various damage and stiffness analyses for diverse components 

• the investigations on rolling contact fatigue