Ex­cur­sion in Janu­ary 2024: ex­plor­ing the world of "light­weight ma­ter­i­als"

A visit to Hai Extrusion Germany GmbH in Soest was recently on the programme of the bachelor's course "Lightweight construction materials". Fascinating extruded aluminium profiles are manufactured here. The students not only gained an insight into the production processes, but were also able to see the impressive n 3300 kg extrusion line for themselves on site. The dimensions of such a plant were vividly conveyed during an informative factory tour. A supplementary presentation on the topic of aluminium extrusion also showed the students the practical implementation in the industry.

The lightweight materials team would like to thank Hai Extrusion Germany GmbH for this impressive day. It was an inspiring experience!

Group photo of the excursion participants to Hai Extrusion Germany GmbH