ICTP 2023 - 14th In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on the Tech­no­logy of Plas­ti­city - LWF rep­res­en­ted with fourcon­tri­bu­tions

The so-called "Olympic Games of Forming Technology" took place this year in Cannes on the Côte d'Azur, France. From September 24 - 29, the conference was held in 9 different live sessions, presenting over 370 technical papers and keynote lectures by participants from 35 countries.

The ICTP conference series is the most important international conference in the field of metal forming. It gathers the most prominent experts in sheet metal and solid forming and related material characterization and numerical methods, and is an excellent forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of technologies related to sheet metal forming processes.

LWF was represented with four papers presenting topics related to mechanical joining technology. The content focused on the modeling of friction conditions and the failure behavior of clinch joints as well as optimized manufacturing processes for semi-tubular self-piercing rivets.

In addition to the official business, the geographical location meant that the participants were also able to enjoy the weather and the charming harbor city.