Ju­bilee cel­eb­ra­tion for the 50th an­niversary of the Re­search As­so­ci­ation for Steel Ap­plic­a­tion (FOSTA)

On the 27.06.2018 the jubilee celebration for the 50th anniversary of the Reasearch Association for Steel Application (FOSTA) took place in Berlin. As a joint organization FOSTA represents the interests of the steel industries and contributes to innovative solutions in the field of steel application research as motivator and community. Very early on, FOSTA recognized the importance of the low-heat joining processes, in particular for material-compatible lightweight construction with steel. So far more than 100 research projects in the field of low-heat joining processes have been promoted, in particular for adhesive bonding technology but also for mechanical and hybrid joining technology. The innovative joining technologies developed as part of the funded research projects contribute significantly to the successful implementation of modern lightweight bodies. Therefore the steel industry makes an important contribution to CO2 reduction, recyclability, and the efficient use of resources in industry, said Oliver Wittke, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (press release BMWi 26.06.2018).
In gratitude for financing of the numerous research projects in the field of joining key-technologies as well as for the committed support of the research projects by the employees of FOSTA, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Meschut handed a special anniversary present. The LWF is looking forward to the further partnership-based collaboration to promote steel sales and wishes the FOSTA continued success.

Picture (Source: FOSTA) (l.t.r.): Dipl.-Ing. Franz-Josef Heise (Management Application ResearchFOSTA), Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Salomon (Management Application Research FOSTA), Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Wieland (Managing Director FOSTA), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerson Meschut (Head of Department LWF), Dr. Gregor Nüsse (Management Application Research FOSTA)
Anniversary present by the LWF for the 50th anniversary of FOSTA.