In­form­a­tion­al meet­ing "mb-cn" on Novem­ber 29, 2018

On Thursday, November 29, 2018, twelve students of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Management at Paderborn University took the opportunity to learn about the mb-cn program of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. An informative lecture by Dr. Vera Denzer was completed by summer school 2018 participants Daniel Johannes Cramer, Ediz Güney, Robin Jackson and mb-cn alumn Jürgen Warmbold talking about their experiences.

In addition to specific courses and seminars, the mb-cn program also includes the participation in the above-mentioned summer school as well as a semester abroad at Paderborn's partner university, the Chinese-German Technical Faculty (CDTF) in Qingdao. All three summer school participants emphasized their looking forward to the second stay abroad at the CDTF and valued the mb-cn major as an enrichment of their personal and professional lives.

For more information on the mb-cn program, please contact Bowen Deng (