Annual Meeting of the ProcessNet group Fluid Process Engineering, March 16th-17th, 2016, Garmisch-Partenkirchen


Prof. Kenig, Alexander Olenberg and Christian Wecker took part in the annual meeting of the ProcessNet group Fluid Process Engineering held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen from March 16th to 17th, 2016. Prof. Kenig gave a talk on "Comparison of MEA and AMP as solvents for CO2 capturing with the rate-based approach", replacing Nicole Hüser. Another oral presentation was given by Alexander Olenberg on "Numerical investigation of pressure drop, hold-up and interface area for structured packings". Also a poster titled “Tomographic investigations of the liquid flow in structured packings with varying inclination angles” presented the work by Julia Steube.

It was the first time when master students were invited to present the results of their theses during the poster session. Christian Wecker used this opportunity to show his work on "Numerical and experimental investigation of the transient region for the single-phase flow in pillow plates".

The annual meeting is one of the most important discussion platforms, where both academic and industrial members can equally be represented. With a total number of four contributions, our Chair was very well positioned and considerably contributed to the success of the conference.