Con­fer­ral of Doc­tor­ate Chris­ti­an Less­mei­er

Colleagues from the Chair of Design and Drive Technology (KAt) congratulated Christian Lessmeier to the successful completion of his doctoral studies on April 04, 2017. The title of his dissertation is “Data-based condition-monitoring of rolling bearing damages in electro-mechanical drive systems”. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Walter Sextro, head of the Chair of Dynamics and Mechatronics at Paderborn University, was his co-advisor. Christian Lessmeier started working at the KAt in October 2010 as a research assistant; during this time, he also served as an advisor to mechanical engineering students. Furthermore, he spent a teaching and research semester at the CDTF in Qingdao focusing his research and development activities on data-based condition-monitoring of rolling bearing damages in electro-mechanical drive systems. As of May 2017, he will hold a position as designing engineer at Benteler Steel/Tube.