Con­fer­ral of Doc­tor­ate Karsten Nolte

Colleagues from the Chair of Design and Drive Technology (KAt) congratulated Karsten Nolte to his successful completion of his doctoral studies on March 03, 2016. His dissertation is titled “Contribution to the reduction of losses in fluid-sealing shaft sealing systems”. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunter Kullmer, head of the professional group Applied Mechanics (FAM) at Paderborn University, was the co-advisor.

Karsten Nolte was employed as academic council at the KAt since 2013 and in addition to supporting the organization and execution of lectures, exercises and labs, he was also a member of the examination committee and the study commission of the faculty. His research and development tasks were foremost characterized by the development of dissipation-loss reduced sealing systems. He is now working as a designing engineer at the Hettich business group.

We wish Karsten Nolte all the best for his professional and personal future.

Photo: Karsten Nolte (center) and the examination board members (from the left) Prof. Koch, Prof. Kullmer, Prof. Zimmer, Prof. Schöppner