"In­ter­cul­tur­al skills in mech­an­ic­al en­gin­eer­ing" (In­ter­KoMB)-pro­ject

 |  Konstruktions- und Antriebstechnik

On April 01, the "Intercultural skills in mechanical engineering" (InterKoMB)-project started at Paderborn University. The project is funded by the Faculty of Mechanical Enginering at Paderborn University for one year.

Among other things, it is aimed at preparing mechanical engineering students at Paderborn University for a stay abroad, developing workshops and courses on "Studying and working abroad", "Labor law abroad" as well as "Working in international organizations" based selected examples at Paderborn University.

To make sure that the students' needs are considered, the InterKoMB project is asking for feedback. A survey taking less than 10 minutes to complete was developed for this purpose. It addresses students who are interested in a study, intern or summer school program abroad and asks about support options that are important to them. The InterKoMB project intends to integrate the results of the survey into designing workshops and study courses.

If you are interested, please contact Bowen Deng or Dennis Hambach.

Survey link : https://umfragen.uni-paderborn.de/index.php/446233?lang=de