Present­a­tion of the CLAAS Spon­sor­ship Award 2023

 |  Konstruktions- und Antriebstechnik

Tradition meets reorientation. We can speak of tradition because on 19 September 2023, the sponsorship award for mechanical engineering students in their fourth semester at the Chair of Design and Drive Technology (KAt) at Paderborn University was presented for the 18th time. The reason for this reorientation is that we were able to gain the company CLAAS Industrietechnik from Paderborn as a new sponsor for the sponsorship award.

As part of the sponsorship award, CLAAS Industrietechnik from Paderborn honours the motivation of mechanical engineering students at Paderborn University. As part of the course ‘Machine Elements Drive Components’, a practical design task is worked on to prepare students for professional practice. Students can take part in the sponsorship award by voluntarily developing further technical aspects and providing documentation to accompany the design. A total of twelve students took part this semester. The best three groups were recognised for their achievements and awarded prize money. First place was honoured with €1500, second place with €1000 and third place with €800. Performance pays off!