Con­fer­ral of Doc­tor­ate Jo­hannes Tom­in­ski

We congratulate Johannes Tominski to the successful completion of his doctoral studies. Due to the particular circumstances of the Corona pandemic, his doctoral examination was held on May 20, 2020 in the presence of the examination committee only. Interested listeners were able to watch it via video. His dissertation is titled "Design of a simulation model for evaluating and influencing the dynamic operating behavior of a spindle stroke drive with a trapezoidal thread spindle". Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erhard Leidich, former head of the Institute of Design and Drive Engineerung, TU Chemnitz, was the co-advisor.

Mr. Tominski was a scientific staff member at the KAt from March 2013 to September 2019. The focus of his research was in the field of electromagnetic linear technology as well as in additive manufacturing. In additon to his research and teaching, Mr. Tominski was very active as a representative for the non-professional teaching staff at the faculty of mechanical engineering as well as university-wide.

By now, he is employed as a technology engineer for additive manufacturing at Krause Dimatec GmbH in Bielefeld. We wish him all the best for his professional and personal future and look forward to a continuing good cooperation!