Re­cep­tion at the Fac­ulty of Mech­an­ic­al En­gin­eer­ing: Award ce­re­mony for the FER­CHAU Ad­vance­ment Award 2013

11-28-2013 | Communication Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Reception of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Granting of the FERCHAU Advancement Award 2013

11-28-2013 | On November 9th, the 8th FERCHAU Advancement Award for Outstanding Academic Achievements was granted at the Chair of Design and Drive Engineering within the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Paderborn, honoring the following recepients: Reinhard Schemmel (1,500 Euro), Frank Haverkamp, Paul Kajdewicz and Fabian Schmitz (1,050 Euro) and Alexander Stamm (800 Euro). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detmar Zimmer, head of the Chair of Design and Drive Engineering and Dipl.-Ing. Jens Husemann, head of the FERCHAU branch in Bielefeld congratulated the award winners: “It is important to us to enable as many students as possible to participate in the contest within their basic studies and to honor outstanding academic achievements.” Stefanie Baeumer and Julia Roemermann of FERCHAU presented the awards.

Students took part in the competition with their semester project “Construction of an angle grinder”. Groups and individuals who handed in a sound documentation in addition to carrying out the assigned task qualified for the contest. Participation in the competition for the FERCHAU Advancement Award was made possible by the Chair of Design and Drive Engineering as part of the course “Machine elements – Drive Engineering”.

Husemann studied at the University of Paderborn himself and congratulated the award recipients: “We are proud of your enthusiasm. The time invested will pay off in your future career.” Husemann emphasized that engineering sciences are a promising subject and FERCHAU Engineering GmbH approaches highly qualified graduates early on. “We are interested in graduates who see the big picture and work on their social competence during their studies. Acquiring this competence through e.g. team work in semester projects and social commitments are essential qualifications for an ideal career start.”

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Lessmeier
University of Paderborn
Faculty of Mechanical Enigeering
Chair of Design and Drive Engineering (KAt)
Photo (University of Paderborn): The award ceremony for the FERCHAU Advancement Award 2013 (left to right):  Julia Roemermann (Ferchau), Stefanie Baeumer (Ferchau), Reinhard Schemmel, Fabian Schmitz, Frank Haverkamp, Paul Kajdewicz, Alexander Stamm and Jens Husemann (Ferchau).

Advancement Award 2013 (left to right): Julia Roemermann (Ferchau), Stefanie Baeumer (Ferchau), Reinhard Schemmel, Fabian Schmitz, Frank Haverkamp, Paul Kajdewicz, Alexander Stamm and Jens Husemann (Ferchau).