In September 2012, the City Council of Paderborn visited the laboratory of the chair for automotive lightweight construction. Professor Tröster presented the Chair and the experimental and simulative capabilities of the chair and showed some interesting experiments.
In the context of the research project "rescue cutter", the chair of automotive lightweight construction visited the fire department Paderborn, so that the employees understand the problems of high-strength steels in automobiles and see the need for new rescue cutters. First, some basics have been explained before, there was a glimpse of a fire truck, and finally self-tests with a rescue cutter were performed on automobiles.
In March 2012, the inaugural lecture of Professor Tröster took place at the forum "Mechanical Engineering". At the same time the new building of the chair was inaugurated. After introductory remarks by the Dean, Professor Tröster gave his inaugural lecture and showed with illustrative examples, how lightweight can work and how important the proper selection of the material is. Finally, there was a lab tour through the new rooms of the chair.