RIS Publikationen
J. Beimdiek, H.-J. Schmid, Atmosphere 15 (2024).
R. Hassel, Zur Abscheidung von Tröpfchen-Aerosolen in filternden Abscheidern, Paderborn, 2024.
S. Josch, Rheologische Charakterisierung von Frischbeton : Entwicklung eines adaptiven Rheometers und Untersuchung wandgleitunterdrückender Messgeometrien, Paderborn, 2023.
M. Gräßer, Numerical Computation of Capillary Bridges between Directly Resolved Rough Interfaces, 2023.
S. Josch, S. Jesinghausen, C. Dechert, H.-J. Schmid, Rheologica Acta (2023).
S. Josch, S. Jesinghausen, H.-J. Schmid, Applied Rheology 33 (2023).
M.J. Rüther, S.H. Klippstein, S. Ponusamy, T. Rüther, H.-J. Schmid, Powder Technology 422 (2023).
I. Kletetzka, M. Kosanke, D. Meinderink, V. Neßlinger, G. Grundmeier, H.-J. Schmid, Progress in Additive Manufacturing (2023).
I. Kletetzka, M. Kosanke, D. Meinderink, V. Neßlinger, G. Grundmeier, H.-J. Schmid, (2023).
S.H. Klippstein, I. Kletetzka, I. Sural, H.-J. Schmid, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023).
D. Menge, D. Milaege, K.-P. Hoyer, H.-J. Schmid, M. Schaper, in: I. Horwath, S. Schweizer (Eds.), Climate Protection, Resource Efficiency, and Sustainable Engineering, transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany, 2023.
L.A. Bentrup, M. Gräßer, K. Temmen, H.-J. Schmid, die hochschullehre (2023).
M. Neukötter, S. Jesinghausen, H.-J. Schmid, Rheologica Acta (2022).
C. Kummert, Über die thermischen und thermisch-oxidativen Einflüsse auf Lasersinter-Werkstoffe, Shaker Verlag, Düren, 2022.
M.J. Rüther, S.H. Klippstein, S. Ponusamy, S. Jesinghausen, H.-J. Schmid, Werkstoffe 6 (2022) 18–19.
M.J. Rüther, S.H. Klippstein, S. Ponusamy, S. Jesinghausen, H.-J. Schmid, Werkstoffe 5 (2022) 28–29.
S.H. Klippstein, F. Heiny, N. Pashikanti, M. Gessler, H.-J. Schmid, JOM - The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 74 (2022) 1149–1157.
S. Schmidt, M. Gräßer, H.-J. Schmid, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44 (2022) B1175–B1194.
D. Menge, H.-J. Schmid, Macromolecular Symposia 404 (2022).
P. Delfs, Dreidimensionale Oberflächenanalyse und Topografie-Simulation additiv hergestellter Laser-Sinter Bauteile, Shaker Verlag GmbH, Düren, 2021.
C. Kummert, H.-J. Schmid, L. Risse, G. Kullmer, Journal of Materials Research (2021).
S. Schumacher, C. Asbach, H.-J. Schmid, Gefahrstoffe (2021) 16–28.
M. Haist, J. Link, D. Nicia, S. Leinitz, C. Baumert, T. von Bronk, D. Cotardo, M. Eslami Pirharati, S. Fataei, H. Garrecht, C. Gehlen, I. Hauschildt, I. Ivanova, S. Jesinghausen, C. Klein, H.-W. Krauss, L. Lohaus, D. Lowke, O. Mazanec, S. Pawelczyk, U. Pott, N.W. Radebe, J.J. Riedmiller, H.-J. Schmid, W. Schmidt, E. Secrieru, D. Stephan, M. Thiedeitz, M. Wilhelm, V. Mechtcherine, Materials and Structures (2020).
D.B. Rasche, L. Tigges, H.-J. Schmid, Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (2020) 055104.
M. Haist, J. Link, D. Nicia, S. Leinitz, C. Baumert, T. von Bronk, D. Cotardo, M. Eslami Pirharati, S. Fataei, H. Garrecht, C. Gehlen, I. Hauschildt, I. Ivanova, S. Jesinghausen, C. Klein, H.-W. Krauss, L. Lohaus, D. Lowke, O. Mazanec, S. Pawelczyk, U. Pott, N.W. Radebe, J.J. Riedmiller, H.-J. Schmid, W. Schmidt, E. Secrieru, D. Stephan, M. Thiedeitz, M. Wilhelm, V. Mechtcherine, Materials and Structures (2020).
S. Pawelczyk, M. Kniepkamp, S. Jesinghausen, H.-J. Schmid, Materials (2020).
G. Sonnenrein, E. Baumhögger, A. Elsner, A. Morbach, M. Neukötter, A. Paul, J. Vrabec, International Journal of Refrigeration 119 (2020) 448–456.
S. Josupeit, On the Influence of Thermal Histories within Part Cakes on the Polymer Laser Sintering Process, Shaker Verlag GmbH, Düren, 2019.
J. Lohn, Zum Laserstrahlschmelzen neuer Kunststoffmaterialien, Shaker Verlag GmbH, Düren, 2019.
H.-J. Schmid, G. Grundmeier, M. Dörmann, A.G. Orive, T. de los Arcos, B. Torun, in: Particles in Contact, Cham, 2019.
X. Zhen, Numerische Und Experimentelle Untersuchungen Zur Aerosolbildung Aus Binären Dampfgemischen von Wasser Und Glycerin, 2019.
I. Giner, B. Torun, Y. Han, B. Duderija, D. Meinderink, A.G. Orive, M.T. de los Arcos de Pedro, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, H.-J. Schmid, G. Grundmeier, Applied Surface Science (2019) 873–879.
S. Abishek, A.J.C. King, J. Schuler, G. Kasper, H.-J. Schmid, B.J. Mullins, Separation and Purification Technology (2018) 344–352.
C. Kummert, S. Josupeit, H.-J. Schmid, Journal of Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 70 (2018) 425–430.
S. Pieper, Confinement Induced Segregation Effects in Suspension Rheology, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2018.
P. Grimm, Entwicklung einer Prozesskette zum flüssig-flüssig Phasentransfer nanoskaliger Partikeln, 2018.
M. Dörmann, Zur Modellierung von Kapillarbrücken zwischen nanoskaligen Partikeln, 2018.
J. Lohn, H.-J. Schmid, in: Rapid.Tech – International Trade Show & Conference for Additive Manufacturing, München, 2017.
J. Laube, M. Dörmann, H.-J. Schmid, L. Mädler, L. Colombi Ciacchi, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2017) 15294–15303.
M. Dörmann, H.-J. Schmid, Powder Technology (2017) 175–183.
D. Menge, S. Josupeit, P. Delfs, H.-J. Schmid, in: H.A. Richard, B. Schramm, T. Zipsner (Eds.), Additive Fertigung von Bauteilen und Strukturen, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2017, pp. 105–120.
S. Josupeit, H.-J. Schmid, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 134 (2017).
S. Jesinghausen, Rheo-PIV nichtkolloidaler Suspensionen: Strukturelle Untersuchungen der Strömungsentwicklung in Schlitzdüsen mit Fokus auf Wandgleiten, Shaker, Aachen, 2017.
S. Josupeit, L. Ordia, H.-J. Schmid, Additive Manufacturing (2016) 189–196.
H.-J. Schmid, S. Pieper, Applied Rheology (2016).
S. Pieper, H.-J. Schmid, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (2016) 1–7.
J. Gausemeier, M. Schmidt, R. Anderl, H.-J. Schmid, C. Leyens, G. Seliger, M. Karg, M. Kage, Additive Fertigung, acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, München, 2016.
P. Delfs, M. Tows, H.-J. Schmid, Additive Manufacturing 2 (2016) 214–320.
W. Kniffka, M. Eichmann, G. Witt, S. Josupeit, P. Delfs, T. Lieneke, G. Adam, H.-J. Schmid, eds., Geometrische Genauigkeit von Lasersinter-Bauteilen: Einflüsse Und Maßnahmen / Dimensional Accuracy of Polymer Laser Sintered Parts: Influences and Measures, München, 2016.
S. Jesinghausen, R. Weiffen, H.-J. Schmid, Experiments in Fluids (2016).
S. Schiller, Zur Feinstaubabscheidung aus Holzfeuerungsanlagen mit precoatierten Oberflächenfiltern, Shaker Verlag, 2016.
S. Pieper, H.-J. Schmid, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (2016) 1–7.
S. Rüsenberg, Prozessqualifizierung zur verlässlichen Herstellung von Produkten im Polymer Lasersinterverfahren, Shaker Verlag GmbH, Düren, 2015.
S. Schiller, C. Hellmich, H.-J. Schmid, Chemical Engineering & Technology (2015) 491–498.
J.V. Erler, S. Machunsky, S. Franke, P. Grimm, H.-J. Schmid, U.A. Peuker, in: Colloid Process Engineering, Cham, 2015.
L. Tigges, A. Wiedensohler, K. Weinhold, J. Gandhi, H.-J. Schmid, Journal of Aerosol Science (2015) 77–86.
L. Tigges, A. Jain, H.-J. Schmid, Journal of Aerosol Science (2015) 119–134.
S. Schiller, H.-J. Schmid, Powder Technology (2015) 96–105.
M. Dörmann, H.-J. Schmid, Procedia Engineering (2015) 14–23.
S. Pieper, N. Kirchhoff, H.-J. Schmid, Rheologica Acta (2014) 69–75.
S. Schiller, H.-J. Schmid, Chemical Engineering & Technology (2014) 1009–1020.
M. Dörmann, H.-J. Schmid, Langmuir (2014) 1055–1062.
S. Rüsenberg, S. Josupeit, H.-J. Schmid, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 6 (2014) 1687–8140.
J. Erler, S. Machunsky, P. Grimm, H.-J. Schmid, U.A. Peuker, Powder Technology 247 (2013) 265–269.
S. Schiller, H.-J. Schmid, Chemie Ingenieur Technik (2013) 1324–1328.
S. Gerkens, In-situ Strukturcharakterisierung von CNT in polymerbasierten Nanokompositen Methodenentwicklung und Anwendung, Aachen, 2013.
N. Kirchhoff, C. Schröder, D. Stute, E. Moritzer, H.-J. Schmid, Chemie Ingenieur Technik (2012) 1584–1589.
M.J. Kirchhof, H. Förster, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Journal of Aerosol Science 45 (2012) 26–39.
S. Rüsenberg, L. Schmidt, H. Hosse, H.-J. Schmid, Porosity as a Key to Increase Material Properties of Laser Sintered Parts, 2011.
R. Körmer, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Journal of Aerosol Science 41 (2010) 1008–1019.
R. Körmer, M.P.M. Jank, H. Ryssel, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Journal of Aerosol Science 41 (2010) 998–1007.
M. Seipenbusch, S. Rothenbacher, M. Kirchhoff, H.-J. Schmid, G. Kasper, A.P. Weber, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 12 (2010) 2037–2044.
V. Vassilev, M. Gröschel, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, G. Leugering, Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2009) 2183–2189.
B. Al Zaitone, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Journal of Aerosol Science 40 (2009) 950–964.
S. Machunsky, P. Grimm, H.-J. Schmid, U.A. Peuker, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 348 (2009) 186–190.
M.J. Kirchhof, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Physical Review E 80 (2009) 026319.
M. Horn, H.-J. Schmid, Powder Technology 186 (2008) 189–198.
L. Schneider, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Applied Physics B 87 (2007) 333–339.
H.-J. Schmid, Gefahrstoffe, Reinhaltung der Luft. Air Quality Control 67 (2007).
C. Binder, C. Feichtinger, H.-J. Schmid, N. Thürey, W. Peukert, U. Rüde, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 301 (2006) 155–167.
M. Horn, H.-J. Schmid, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 78 (2006) 694–699.
C. Artelt, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 18–32.
H.-C. Schwarzer, F. Schwertfirm, M. Manhart, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2005) 167–181.
H.-J. Schmid, B. Al-Zaitone, C. Artelt, W. Peukert, Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2005) 293–305.
C. Artelt, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Journal of Aerosol Science 36 (2005) 147–172.
H.-J. Schmid, S. Tejwani, C. Artelt, W. Peukert, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 6 (2004) 613–626.
M.J. Kirchhof, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Review of Scientific Instruments 75 (2004) 4833–4840.
A. Messerer, H.-J. Schmid, C. Knab, U. Pöschl, R. Nießner, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 76 (2004) 1092–1096.
H.-J. Schmid, L. Vogel, Powder Technology 135/136 (2003) 118–135.
H.-J. Schmid, Powder Technology 135/136 (2003) 136–149.
W. Peukert, H.-J. Schmid, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 75 (2003) 177–183.
C. Artelt, H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Journal of Aerosol Science 34 (2003) 511–534.
A. Schiel, A.P. Weber, G. Kasper, H.-J. Schmid, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 19 (2002) 410–418.
H.-J. Schmid, S. Veith, H. Umhauer, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 19 (2002).
H.-J. Schmid, in: Handbuch Der Mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik, 2002.
H.-J. Schmid, W. Peukert, Chemical Engineering Education 36 (2002).
H.-J. Schmid, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 68 (2002) 63–89.
H.-J. Schmid, Zum Partikeltransport in Elektrischen Abscheidern, Shaker Verlag, 1998.
Alle Publikationen anzeigen
Veröffentlichungen und Konferenz-Proceedings
Stephan Schmidt, Melanie Gräßer, Hand-Joachim Schmid
A Shape Newton Scheme for Deforming Shells with Application to Capillary Bridges
Submitted (29.12.2020): SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.15016
- Christina Kummert, Stefan Josupeit, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Thermoplastic Elastomer Part Color as Function of Tmeperature Histories and Oxygen Atmosphere During Selectice Laser Sintering
JOM (The Journal of The Minerals, Metals Material Society (TMS)) (2017)
- Jens Laube, Michael Dörmann, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Lutz Mädler, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi
Dependencies of the Adhesion Forces between TiO2 Nanoparticles on Size and Ambient Humidity
J. Phys. Chem. C (2017), 121 (28), pp 15294–15303
- Patrick Delfs, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Areal Surface Characterization of Laser Sintered Parts for various Process Parameters
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF), Austin, USA (2017)
- Stefan Josupeit, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Experimental analysis and modeling of local ageing effects during laser sintering of polyamide 12 in regard to individual thermal histories
Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2017)
- Tobias Lieneke, Guido Adam, Stefan Josupeit, Patrick Delfs, Detmar Zimmer
Maßtoleranzen für die additive Fertigung: Experimentelle Untersuchung für das Lasersintern
Rapid.Tech, Erfurt (2017)
- Dennis Menge, Stefan Josupeit, Patrick Delfs, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Herstellbarkeit und mechanische Charakterisierung von lasergesinterten Gitterstrukturen
Springer Vieweg Fachbuch: Additive Fertigung von Bauteilen und Strukturen (2017), pp. 105-120
- Michael Dörmann, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Distance-dependency of capillary bridges in thermodynamic equilibrium
Powder Technology 312 (2017), pp. 175-183
- Steffen Jesinghausen, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Direct measurement of wall slip and slip layer thickness of non-Brownian hard-sphere suspensions in rectangular channel flows
Experiments in Fluids 57 (2016), Issue 9, 1-15
- Sven Pieper, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Guard ring induced distortion of the steady velocity profile in a parallel plate rheometer
Applied Rheology 26 (2016), Issue 6, p. 64533
- Stefan Josupeit, Patrick Delfs, Dennis Menge, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Herstellbarkeit und mechanische Charakterisierung von lasergesinterten Gitterstrukturen
DVM-Tagung "Additiv gefertigte Bauteile und Strukturen", Berlin, Deutschland, pp. 51-61 (2016)
- Friedrich Prill, Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Development of a Filtration System for the Combined Separation of Ultrafine Dust Particles and Gaseous Pollutants from Biomass Combustion Processes
FILTECH (2016)
- Stefan Josupeit, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Temperature history within laser sintered part cakes and its influence on process quality
Rapid Prototyping Journal 22 (2016) 5, pp. 788-793
- Stefan Josupeit, Patrick Delfs, Dennis Menge, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Manufacturability and Mechanical Characterization of Laser Sintered lattice Structures
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF), Austin, USA (2016)
- Stefan Josupeit, Lavish Ordia, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Modelling of temperatures and heat flow within laser sintered part cakes
Additive Manufacturing (2016)
- Patrick Delfs, Marcel Töws, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Optimized build orientation of additive manufactured parts for improved surface quality and build time
Additive Manufacturing (2016)
- Sven Pieper, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Layer-formation of non-colloidal suspensions in a parallel plate rheometer under steady shear
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 234 (2016), pp 1-7
- Stefan Josupeit, Patrick Delfs, Tobias Lieneke, Guido Adam, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Dimensional accuracy of polymer laser sintered parts: Influences and measures
Rapid.Tech, Erfurt, Deutschland (2016), pp. 107-120
- Stefan Josupeit, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Thermal properties of polyamide 12 powder for application in laser sintering
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC), Nürnberg, Deutschland (2016)
- Michael Dörmann, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Continuum-mechanical simulation of capillary bridges between nanoscale particles
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC), Nürnberg, Deutschland (2016)
- Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Modelling and Simulation of pressure drop at non-homogeneous filtration conditions
World Filtration Congress, Taipeh, Taiwan (2016)
- Patrick Delfs, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Extended Analysis of the Surface Topography of Laser Sintered Polymer Parts
Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference, Berlin, Deutschland (2016)
- Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Evaluation of the efficiency of filtration processes using precoat materials
Chemical Engineering & Technology 39 (2016) 3, pp 491–498
- Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Filtration Processes Using Precoat Materials
FILTECH (2015)
- Lena Tigges, Alfred Wiedensohler, Kay Weinhold, Jay Gandhi, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Bipolar charge distribution of a soft X-ray diffusion charger
Journal of Aerosol Science, 90 (2015), pp 77-86
- Stefan Josupeit, Sabine Tutzschky, Monika Gessler, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Powder ageing and material properties of laser sintered polyamide 12 using low refresh rates
Neue Entwicklungen in der Additiven Fertigung: Beiträge aus der wissenschaftlichen Tagung der Rapid.Tech 2015, (2015), pp 63-78
- Lena Tigges, Ankit Jain, Hans-Joachim Schmid
On the bipolar charge distribution used for mobility particle sizing: Theoretical considerations
Journal of Aerosol Science, 88 (2015), pp 119-134
- Tobias Lieneke, Guido Adam, Stefan Leuders, Frederick Knoop, Stefan Josupeit, Patrick Delfs, Nils Funke, Detmar Zimmer
Entwicklung einer Methode zur systematischen Erarbeitung von Maßtoleranzen für additive Fertigungsverfahren
Rapid.Tech, Erfurt, Deutschland (2015)
- Stefan Josupeit, Johannes Lohn, Eduard Hermann, Monika Gessler, Stephan Tenbrink, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Material properties of laser sintered polyamide 12 as function of build cycles using low refresh rates
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF), Austin, USA (2015)
- Stefan Josupeit, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Temperature history within laser sintered part cakes and its unfluence on process quality
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF), Austin, USA (2015)
- Tobias Lieneke, Guido Adam, Stefan Leuders, Frederick Knoop, Stefan Josupeit, Patrick Delfs, Nils Funke, Detmar Zimmer
Systematical determination of tolerances for additive manufacturing by measuring linear dimensions
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF), Austin, USA (2015)
- Patrick Delfs, Zhiyuan Li, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Mass Finishing of Laser Sintered Parts
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF), Austin, USA (2015)
- Patrick Delfs, Marcel Töws, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Surface Roughness optimized Alignment of Parts for Additive Manufacturing Processes
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF), Austin, USA (2015)
- Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Highly efficient filtration of ultrafine dust in baghouse filters using precoat materials
Powder Technology 279 (2015), pp 96-105
- Michael Dörmann, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Simulation of Capillary Bridges between Particles
Procedia Engineering 102 (2015), pp 14-23
- Sven Pieper, Nadine Kirchhoff, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Absence of pressure sensitivity of apparent wall slip in pressure-driven flow of non-colloidal suspensions
Rheologica Acta 54 (1) (2015), pp 69-75
- Michael Dörmann, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Simulation of Capillary Bridges between Nanoscale Particles
Langmuir, 30 (2014) 4, pp 1055–1062
- Stefan Josupeit, Stefan Rüsenberg, Nicola Rupp, Monika Gessler, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Thermal Ageing of Polyamide 12 used for Polymer Laser Sintering - Influence on Part Quality Characteristics
Annual Technical Conference of the American Spciety of Plastics Engineers (ANTEC) (2014), pp 2383-2388
- Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Ultrafine Dust Filtration Using Precoat Materials Considering the Influence of Filter Media
Chemical Engineering & Technology, 37 (2014) 6, pp 1009-1020
- Stefan Rüsenberg, Stefan Josupeit, Hans-Joachim Schmid
A Method to Characterize the Quality of a Polymer Laser Sintering Process
Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 185374
- Stefan Josupeit, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Three-Dimensional In-Process Temperature measurement of Laser Sintered Part Cakes
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF) (2014)
- Stefan Josupeit, Lavish Ordia, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Development of a Basic Model to Simulate the Laser Sintering Cooling Process
International Conference on Additive Technologies (ICAT) (2014)
- Patrick Delfs, Ashrith Ananthraj Herale, Zhiyuan Li, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Simulation of the Surface Topography on Laser Sintered Polymer Parts
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF) (2014)
- Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Hocheffiziente Feinstaubabscheidung aus Kleinfeuerungsanlagen mit einem Schlauchfilter
Chemie Ingenieur Technik (CIT), 85 (2013) 8, pp 1324-1328
- Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Multiple-Use of Precoat Materials for the Fine Dust Filtration of a Baghouse Filter for Wood-Fired Heaters
Filtech (2013)
- Stefan Josupeit, Stefan Rüsenberg, Hans-Joachim Schmid
A Material Based Quality Concept for Polymer Laser Sintering
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF) (2013), pp 44-54
- Stefan Rüsenberg, Agnes Bagsik, Johannes Büsching, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Additiv versus Konventionell: Benchmarking am Beispiel eines Designs aus der Luftfahrtindustrie
Rapid.Tech (2013)
- Stefan Rüsenberg, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Advanced Characterization Method of nylon 12 Materials for Application in Laser Sinter Processing
International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS), 1593, 713 (2014)
- Sven Pieper, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Apparent Wall Slip and Particle Migration in Laminar Flow of Suspensions through a Slit Die
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2013)
- Jacqueline Erler, Stefanie Machunsky, Philipp Grimm, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Urs Peuker
Liquid-Liquid Phase Transfer of Magnetite Nanoparticles - Evaluation of Surfactants
Powder Technology, 247 (2013), pp 265-269
- Philipp Grimm, Hans-Joachim Schmid
An efficient process for producing high-quality organosols
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2013)
- Agnes Bagsik, Stefan Josupeit, Volker Schöppner, Eric Klemp
Mechanical analysis of lightweight constructions manufactured with fused deposition modeling
International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS), 1593, 696 (2014)
- Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Development of a baghouse filter for domestic wood-fired heaters
World Filtration Congress (2012)
- Sascha Schiller, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Höchst effiziente Feinstaubabscheidung aus Kleinfeuerungsanlagen und dauerhafte Einhaltung von extrem niedrigen Emissionswerten mit einem Schlauchfilter
VDI-Berichte 2165: "Emissionsminderung 2012" (2012)
- Stefan Rüsenberg, Rene Weiffen, Frederick Knoop, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Controlling the Quality of Laser Sintered Parts along the Process Chain
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF) (2012)
- Stefan Rüsenberg, Lukas Schmidt, Hendrik Hosse, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Mechanical Properties as a result of multitude of parameters
European Forum on Rapid Prototyping (2012)
- Nadine Kirchhoff, Cathrin Schröder, Daniel Stute, Elmar Moritzer, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Wood-Plastic-Composites: Rheologische Charakterisierung und Füllverhalten im Spritzgießprozess
Chemie Ingenieur Technik (CIT), 84 (2012) 9, pp 1584-1589
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Henning Förster, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Sintering Kinetics and Mechanisms of Vitreous Nanoparticles
Journal of Aerosol Science, 45 (2012), pp 26-39
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Stefan Rüsenberg, Zhenpeng Sun
Powder Aging upon Laser Sintering – Characterization and Consequences
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF) (2011)
- Jianquan Bo, Josef Noeke
Sprachliche Vorbereitung von chinesischen Studierenden auf ein Maschinenbaustudium und auf ein Fachpraktikum in Deutschland
CDAH-Tagung (Chinesisch-Deutsches Forum für Anwendungsorientierte Hochschulausbildung) (2011)
- Josef Noeke
Aufbau und Betrieb der Chinesisch-Deutschen Technischen Fakultät Qingdao
Tagungsband des zweiten Chinesisch-Deutschen Forums in Hannover (2011)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Henning Förster, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Sintering Kinetics and Mechanisms of Vitreous Nanoparticles
Journal of Aerosol Science, 45 (2012), pp 26-39
- Stefan Rüsenberg, Lukas Schmidt, Hendrik Hosse, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Porosity as a Key to Increase Material Properties of Laser Sintered Parts
Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping (VRAP), Bartolo et al. (Hrsg.), CRC Press, (2011) 81
- Stefan Rüsenberg, Lukas Schmidt, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Mechanical and Physical Properties – A Way to assess quality of Laser Sintered Parts
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF) (2011)
- Lena Knobel, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Bipolar Stationary Charge Distribution - A Closer Look to Relevant und Irrelevant Influences
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) (2011)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Martin J. Kirchhof
Sintering of Silica Nanoparticles
International Aerosol Conference (IAC) (2010)
- Stefan Gerkens, Frank Bayer, Klaus Huber, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Structure Analysis of Nanocomposites using QELS
World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT) (2010)
- M. Seipenbusch, S. Rothenbacher, Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, A. P. Weber
Interparticle forces in silica nanoparticle agglomerates
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 12 (2010) 6, pp 2037-2044
- Richard Körmer, M.P.M. Jank, H. Ryssel, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Aerosol synthesis of silicon nanoparticles with narrow size distribution-Part 1: Experimental investigations
Journal of Aerosol Science, 41 (2010) 11, pp 998-1007
- Richard Körmer, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Aerosol synthesis of silicon nanoparticles with narrow size distribution-Part 2: Theoretical analysis of the formation mechanism
Journal of Aerosol Science, 41 (2010) 11, pp 1008-1019
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Three-dimensional simulation of viscous flow agglomerate sintering
Physical Review E, 80 (2009) 2, 026319
- Stefanie Machunsky, Philipp Grimm, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Urs Peuker
Liquid-liquid phase transfer of magnetite nanoparticles
Colloids and Surfaces A, 348 (2009) 1-3, pp 186-190
- Belal Al-Zaitone, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Simulation of structure and mobility of aggregates formed by simultaneous coagulation, sintering and surface growth
Journal of Aerosol Science, 40 (2009) 11, pp 950-964
- Vassil Vassilev, Michael Gröschel, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert, G. Leugering
Interfacial energy estimation in a precipitation reaction using the flatness based control of the moment trajectories
Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (2009) 6, pp 2183-2189
- Stefanie Machunsky, Philipp Grimm, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Urs Peuker
Liquid-liquid phase transfer of magnetite nanoparticles
World Congress on Chemical Engineering (2009)
- Henning Förster, D. Kilian, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Novel Arc Plasma System for the Aerosol Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) (2009)
- Jacqueline Erler, Stefanie Machunsky, Philipp Grimm, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Urs Peuker
Flüssig/Flüssig-Phasentransfer von Nanopartikeln
Chemie Ingenieur Technik (CIT), 80 (2008) 9, pp 1424-1425
- Michael Horn, Hans-Joachim Schmid
A comprehensive approach in modeling Lagrangian particle deposition in turbulent boundary layers
Powder Technology, 169 (2008), pp 189-198
- Richard Körmer, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Michael P.M. Jank, H. Ryssel, Wolfgang Peukert
Aerosol synthesis of monodisperse, high-purity silicon nanoparticles
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) (2008)
- Stefanie Machunsky, Philipp Grimm, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Urs Peuker
Flüssig-flüssig-Phasentransfer von Magnetit Nanopartikeln
Processnet Jahrestagung / Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 80 (2008), pp 1424-1425
- L. Schneider, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Influence of particle size and concentration on the second harmonic signal generated at colloidal surfaces
Applied Physics B, 87 (2007) 2, pp 333-339
- Michael Horn, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Neuer Ansatz zur Modellierung der Abscheidung in einem modifizierten Rohrelektrofilter
Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung Luft, 67 (2007) 4, pp 147-151
- Michael Horn, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Soot separation in a modified pipe electrostatic precipitator
Filtech (2007)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid
Modelling of Structure-Property Relationships of Nanoscaled Powders
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2007)
- Michael Horn, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Influence of Convergence Control on Lagrangian Predictions of Particulate Two-Phase Flow
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2007)
- Michael Horn, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Soot Separation in a Modified Pipe Electrostatic Precipitator
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2007)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Henning Förster, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Investigation o f the Sintering Kinetics of Airborne Nanoparticles in a High-Temperature Reactor System
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2007)
- Richard Körmer, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Michael P.M. Jank, T. Erlbacher, H. Ryssel, Wolfgang Peukert
Synthesis of Functional Nanoparticles
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2007)
- Vassil Vassilev, M. Gröschel, Wolfgang Peukert, G. Leugering, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Interfacial energy estimation in a precipitation reaction using the flatness based control of the moment trajectories
International Conference on Population Balance Modelling (2007)
- Christian Artelt, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Modelling titania formation at typical industrial process conditions: effect of structure and material properties on relevant growth mechanisms
Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (2006) 1, pp 18-32
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Belal Al-Zaitone, Christian Artelt, Wolfgang Peukert
Evolution of the Fractal Dimension for Simultaneous Coagulation and Sintering
Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (2006) 1, pp 293-305
- H.-C. Schwarzer, F. Schwertfirm, M. Manhart, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Predictive simulation of nanoparticle precipitation based on the population balance equation
Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (2006) 1, pp 167-181
- Michael Horn, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Modellierung der wandnahen Bereiche in turbulenten Zweiphasenströmungen
Chemie Ingenieur Technik (CIT), 78 (2006) 6, pp 694-699
- C. Binder, C. Feichtinger, Hans-Joachim Schmid, N. Thürey, Wolfgang Peukert, U. Rüde
Simulation of the Hydrodynamic Drag on Aggregated Particles
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 301 (2006) 1, pp 155-167
- Hans-Joachim Schmid
Simulation of Aerosol Synthesis by Simultaneous Coagulation, Sintering and Growth: Structure and Product Property Formation
World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT) (2006)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Martin J. Kirchhof, Henning Förster, Wolfgang Peukert
Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on Sintering Kinetics of Silica Nanoparticles
World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT) (2006)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Christian Binder, Nils Thürey, Wolfgang Peukert
Simulation of the Hydrodynamic Behaviour of Aggregated Particles
World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT) (2006)
- Michael Horn, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Convergence Control and Convergence Improvement in Lagrangian Predictions of Particulate Two-Phase Flows
World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT) (2006)
- Michael Horn, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Modelling of the Boundary Layer in Turbulent Two-Phase-Flows
World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT) (2006)
- J. Gradl, F. Schwertfirm, H.-C. Schwarzer, Hans-Joachim Schmid, M. Manhart, Wolfgang Peukert
Nanoparticle Precipitation in a T-Mixer: Coupling Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Fluid Dynamics with the Solid Formation Processes
ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting (2006)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Henning Förster, Wolfgang Peukert
Sintering Kinetics of Silica Nanoparticles: Comparison of Theory and Experiment
International Aerosol Conference (IAC) (2006)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid
Aerosol Synthesis by Simultaneous Nucleation, Coagulation, Sintering and Growth: Simulation of Structure and Product Property Formation
International Aerosol Conference (IAC) (2006)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid
Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen nanoskaliger Pulver
GVC-Jahrestagung (2006)
- Christian Artelt, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
On the impact of accessible surface and surface energy on particle formation and growth from the vapour phase
Journal of Aerosol Science, 36 (2005) 2, pp 147-172
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Belal Al-Zaitone, Wolfgang Peukert
Strukturbildung bei der Aerosolsynthese unter Berücksichtigung von simultaner Agglomeration, Sinterung und Oberflächenwachstum
NanoMat Szene (2005)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Henning Förster, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Sintering Kinetics of Silica Nanoparticles: Theory and Experiment
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) (2005)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Belal Al-Zaitone, Wolfgang Peukert
Simulation of Structure Formation in Aerosol Synthesis by Simultaneous Coagulation, Sintering and Growth
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) (2005)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, S. Froeschke, Hans-Joachim Schmid, A. P. Weber
Characterization of First-Stage Sintering Kinetics
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) (2005)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, R. Diaz, Henning Förster, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Sintering Kinetics of Silica Nanoparticles: Theory and Experiment
International Conference on Sintering (2005)
- Messerer, Hans-Joachim Schmid, C. Knab, U. Pöschl, R. Nießner
Erhöhung der Abscheidung ultrafeiner Dieselrußpartikeln durch Mikrokugelbeschichtung auf metallträgerbasierten Katalysatorstrukturen
Chemie Ingenieur Technik (CIT), 76 (2004) 8, pp 1092-1096
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
A New Reactor System for the Study of High Temperature Short-Time Sintering Kinetics of Nanoparticles
Review of Scientific Instruments, 75 (2004) 11, pp 4833-4840
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Saurabh Tejwani, Christian Artelt, Wolfgang Peukert
Monte Carlo simulation of aggregate morphology for simultaneous coagulation and sintering
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 6 (2004) 6, pp 613-626
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Experimental Study of the Sintering Progress of Ceramic Nanoparticles in a High Temperature Reactor System
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2004)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, S. Teijwani, Christian Artelt, Wolfgang Peukert
Aggregate Structure Evolution Accounting for Simultaneous Agglomeration and Sintering
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2004)
- Michael Horn, Hans-Joachim Schmid
New method in numerical modelling of electric wet painting
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2004)
- Christian Artelt, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
On the relevance of aggregate structure in population balance modelling of aerosol generation and growth processes
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC) (2004)
- Christian Artelt, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Modelling titania formation at typical industrial process conditions: effect of structure and material properties on relevant growth mechanisms
International Conference on Population Balance Modelling (2004)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, S. Tejwani, Christian Artelt, Wolfgang Peukert
Evolution of the Fractal Dimension During Aerosol Processes
International Conference on Population Balance Modelling (2004)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Sintering Kinetics of Ceramic Nanoparticle Doublets
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) (2004)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, A. Rozas, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Simulation of Viscous Flow Aerosol Sintering by Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) (2004)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, S. Froeschke, Hans-Joachim Schmid, A. P. Weber
Determination of First-Stage Nanoparticle Sintering Contacts by Impact Fragmentation
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) (2004)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Martin Kirchhof, Wolfgang Peukert, Heike Mühlenweg, Georg Skillas, Catrin Becker
Simulation der Partikelsynthese in Aerosolprozessen
Tandem-Vortrag GVC-Jahrestagung (2004)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Aggregate Structure Formation During Aerosol Synthesis
AIChE Annual Meeting (2004)
- Christian Artelt, Hans-Joachim Schmid, A. Saxena, Wolfgang Peukert
Particle charging and coagulation during aerosol formation by nucleation
AIChE Annual Meeting (2004)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, S. Froeschke, A.P. Weber
Investigation of early stages of airborne nanoparticle sintering by impact fragmentation
AIChE Annual Meeting (2004)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Experimental Study of the Sintering Kinetics of Airborne Nanoparticles
AIChE Annual Meeting (2004)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Simulation of Viscous Flow Nanoparticle Sintering
AIChE Annual Meeting (2004)
- Christian Artelt, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
On the Relevance of Accounting for the Evolution of the Fractal Dimension in Aerosol Process Simulations
Journal of Aerosol Science, 34 (2003) 5, pp 511-534
- Wolfgang Peukert, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Herausforderungen für die Lehre am Beispiel der Mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik
Chemie Ingenieur Technik (CIT), 75 (2003) 3, pp 177-183
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, L. Vogel
On the Modelling of the Particle Dynamics in Electro-Hydrodynamic Flow-Fields I: Com-parison of Eulerian and Lagrangian Modelling Approaches
Powder Technology, 135/136 (2003), pp 118-135
- Hans-Joachim Schmid
On the Modelling of the Particle Dynamics in Electro-Hydrodynamic Flow-Fields II: Influences of Inhomogeneities on Electrostatic Precipitation
Powder Technology, 135/136 (2003), pp 136-149
- Christian Artelt, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Modelling Aerosol Processes with Evolving Fractal Behaviour
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) / Journal of Aerosol Science, 34 (2003), pp 53-54
- Christian Artelt, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Structural Effects on Modelling Relevant Nucleation and Growth Processes During Aerosol Generation
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) / Journal of Aerosol Science, 34 (2003), pp 877-878
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Experimental Study of First-Stage Short-Time Sintering Kinetics of Airborne Silica Nanoparticles
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) / Journal of Aerosol Science, 34 (2003), pp 107-108
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Christian Artelt, H. Mühlenweg, Wolfgang Peukert
Comparison of Numerical Methods to Model Aerosol Dynamics
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) / Journal of Aerosol Science, 34 (2003), pp 55-56
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Study of Short-Time Sintering Kinetics of Nanoscaled Aerosols at High Temperatures
Particulate Systems Analysis Conference (PSA) (2003)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, S. Stolz, Hans Buggisch
On the Modelling of the Electrohydrodynamic Flow Field in Electrostatic Precipitators
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 68 (2002) 1, pp 63-89
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Susanne Veith, Heinz Umhauer
In-Situ Measurement of Local Particle Flux Densities in a Complex Two-Phase Flow
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 19 (2002) 3, pp 203-215
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Heinz Umhauer
Electrostatic Precipitator Efficiency in the Fine Particle Regime
Filtration, 2 (2002) 5, pp 135-141
- Wolfgang Peukert, Hans-Joachim Schmid
Novel Concepts for Teaching Particle Technology
Chemical Engineering Education, 36 (2002) 4, pp 272-276
- Annette Schiel, Alfred P. Weber, Gerhard Kasper, Hans-Joachim Schmid
In-Situ Determination of the Charging of Nanometer and Submicron Particles at High Temperatures
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 19 (2002) 6, pp 410-418
- Hans-Joachim Schmid
On the Modelling of Particle Transport in Electro-Hydrodynamic Flow-Fields
European Congress of Chemical Engineering (2001)
- Martin J. Kirchhof, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
A New High-Temperature Reactor System for the Study of Short-Time Sintering Kinetics of Airborne Nanoparticles
European Aerosol Conference (EAC) / Journal of Aerosol Science, 32 (2001), pp 225-226
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Martin J. Kirchhof, Wolfgang Peukert
Study of High-Temperature, Short-Time Kinetic Processes in Airborne Nanoparticulate Systems
International Workshop ’The Challenge of Nano-Particles’ (2001)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Heinz Umhauer, Hans Buggisch
Investigations on Electro-Hydrodynamic Flow-Fields in Electrostatic Precipitators and its Effect on Particle Transport
Workshop on Two-phase Flow Predictions (1999)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, S. Stolz, Hans Buggisch
On the Electro-Hydrodynamic Flow-Field in Electrostatic Precipitators
International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (1999)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Heinz Umhauer, Hans Buggisch
Investigations on Local Particle Fluxes in a Laboratory Scaled Electrostatic Precipitator
Symposium Separation of Particles from Gases / PARTEC (1998)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Hans Buggisch
On the Modelling of Particle Transport in Electrostatic Precipitators
International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (1998)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Heinz Umhauer
In-Situ Measurement of Local Particle Fluxes in a Laboratory-Scaled ESP
International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (1998)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, A.M. Meroth, Heinz Umhauer, Hans Buggisch
Modelling of Particle Transport in the Electro-Hydrodynamic Flow-Field of Electrostatic Precipitators
American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference (1997)
- J. Miller, Hans-Joachim Schmid, E. Schmidt, A.J. Schwab
Local Deposition of Particles in a Laboratory-Scale Electrostatic Precipitator with barbed discharge Electrodes
International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (1996)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Heinz Umhauer
Investigations on Particle Dynamics in a Plate-Type Electrostatic Precipitator Using Double-Pulse Holography
International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (1996)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, E. Schmidt
Investigations on Local Mass Flux of Dust to be Precipitated at the Collecting Electrode
International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation (1996)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Heinz Umhauer
The Holographic Determination of the Particle Dynamics in an Electro-Hydrodynamic Flow-Field
International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanis (1996)
- Hans-Joachim Schmid, Heinz Umhauer
Impulsholographische Untersuchung des Bewegungszustandes von Partikelkollektiven in einem Elektrischen Abscheider
Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmeßtechnik 5. Fachtagung, B. Lehmann (Hrsg.), Shaker (1996)
- Gutsch, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Hans Buggisch, Heinz Umhauer
Investigations on Extent and Kinetics of Discharging Aerosol Particles
Symposium Separation of Particles from Gases / PARTEC (1995)