How to Find Us

On Cam­pus

Our rooms are in building P1. You can best reach us by entering the P1 building through its main entrance on Campus side; our rooms are opposite to the main entrance, but one story higher.

Our laboratories are in building P4. For deliveries or direct visits, the direct way from the parking spot between buildings P4, P5 and O is advisable. Our labs are directly at the loading dock behind the blue door at the far end of building P4.

Us­ing pub­lic trans­it

By airplane to Paderborn/Lippstadt, then using the Bus to get to Paderborn Hauptbahnhof. By rail to Paderborn Hauptbahnhof.

Continue by using the Padersprinter either towards Uni/Südring or Uni/Schöne Aussicht. From Uni/Südring, walk downhill across the Campus through the main building courtyard. From Uni/Schöne Aussicht, walk downhill along Warburger Straße for about 100m, then turn left into Höhenstraße. Upon approach of a right turn, turn left onto a footway instead. This will lead you onto Campus directly towards building P1.

By car

Follow the signs towards "Universität". The best parking spots are located at Pohlweg between buildings P4, P5 and O. These can only be reached from Südring; Pohlweg is not open for transit from the city center. Unfortunately parking spots are rare during semester.
