Ul­tra­son­ic Sys­tems and Pro­cesses

Ultrasound is used in a wide variety of areas of technology. Our focus is currently in the field of power ultrasound in actuator technology. High-frequency mechanical oscillations with low amplitude (< 100 µm) and high frequency (> 20 kHz) generate large velocities, sound pressures and accelerations, which can be transmitted to various fluids and solids and often can hardly be achieved by other technologies. Applications such as cleaning, machining and bonding have been in industrial use for decades. Nevertheless, there is a need for research, as many of the known processes have been developed empirically based on existing ultrasonic systems. With modern models, calculation methods and further developed control technologies, efficiency and performance can be increased and thus optimized systems can be built and new applications opened up.

Publications of the chair for this research area can be found here.

Cur­rent pro­jects

Geo­metry op­tim­isa­tion of bond­ing tools

The bonding tool, often referred to as a bonding tool, is used in ultrasonic wire bonding to transfer the oscillating movement to the wire. The tip of bonding tools is usually designed so that the wire is guided sideways.

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Non-lin­ear prop­er­ties of piezo­ceram­ics

In the DFG Research Unit "NEPTUN" we are working together with the EMT on the measurement of thermopiezoelectric material behaviour in the ultrasonic range.

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Ul­tra­son­ic thick wire bond­ing

Ultrasonic thick wire bonding is a widely used connection technology in the semiconductor industry. Wires with a diameter of 75 μm to 600 μm are used, for example, to connect the IGBT chips in high-performance modules.

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Sub­sur­face dy­nam­ics dur­ing ul­tra­son­ic weld­ing

The process of ultrasonic welding plays an important role in power semiconductor electronics alongside ultrasonic wire bonding. In particular, the connections (so-called control and load current taps) of a power module are welded to the substrate using this process.

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Com­pleted pro­jects

Ex­per­i­ment­al in­vest­ig­a­tion of ul­tra­son­ic wire bond­ing

Experimental vibration and modal analysis is an important tool for investigating the influence of substrate vibrations on bond quality during bonding.

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High-in­tens­ity air ul­tra­sound

High-intensity airborne ultrasound is used in various technical fields, e.g. for atomising liquids.

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High-per­form­ance bond­ing

The increasing current density in future power semiconductor chips requires an increase in the electrical conductor cross-section within power modules. The electrical contacting of the chips is carried out by so-called "ultrasonic wire bonding".

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In­tel­li­gent cop­per bond­ing

The innovation project "Intelligent production of reliable copper bonding connections" in the it's OWL leading-edge cluster aimed to develop intelligent processes and systems that ensure reliable mass production of copper bonding connections even under variable production conditions.

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Cavit­a­tion-based pro­cesses

ltraditional airborne sound is used to increase efficiency in process engineering processes.

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Mul­ti­di­men­sion­al ul­tra­son­ic wire bond­ing

Ultrasonic wire bonding has been established for decades as an important contacting process in the microelectronics and semiconductor industry. In the news of the energy transition, developments are focussing on the weight, compactness and performance of electronic components in the automotive industry, for example.

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Mod­el­ling of the ul­tra­son­ic wire bond­ing pro­cess

Due to the sometimes very high time expenditure and the associated costs for the experimental optimisation of the wire bonding process, simulation as a development tool is an important component in the design of new wire bonding processes.

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Piezo­elec­tric en­ergy har­vester

As part of his doctoral dissertation, Dr Waleed al Ashtari worked on the model-based expansion of an autonomous system to include a piezoelectric "energy harvester". This converts vibration energy from the environment into useful electrical energy.

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Piezo­elec­tric mo­tors

Piezoelectric elements offer quite high forces, but their stroke is very limited. By adding individual steps, continuous rotational and larger translational movements can also be achieved. Various mechanisms are presented below.

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Piezo­elec­tric in­er­tia mo­tors

Piezoelectric inertia motors utilise the inertia of a moving mass to move it step by step via an uninterrupted frictional contact. Due to their simple design and ease of miniaturisation, these motors are increasingly being used in consumer goods.

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Powder ma­nip­u­lat­or

The subject of this ZIM-funded project (KF2363847WO4), which was carried out jointly with Athena Technologie Beratung GmbH, was the development of a modular overall concept for a fine powder manipulator.

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Ul­tra­son­ic dis­per­sion

The subject of this ZIM-funded project (ZF40329l8JA7), which was carried out jointly with Athena Technologie Beratung GmbH, was the development of an intelligent, modular, ultrasound-based dispersion system for liquids with different properties.

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Ul­tra­son­ic powder trans­port

Transporting ultra-fine powders with particle sizes of just a few micrometres is a technological challenge. Due to the adhesive forces of ultra-fine powders, conventional transport mechanisms such as vibratory conveyors fail.

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Ul­tra­son­ic clean­ing

Ultrasonic cleaning baths are widely used in industrial production for cleaning and degreasing metal components and are also available for private use for cleaning jewellery and glasses.

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Dr.-Ing. Tobias Hemsel

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering » Dynamics and Mechatronics (LDM)

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