Welcome to the website of the Dynamics and Mechatronics Working Group (LDM).

Recent technologic advances involve multidisciplinary development and entails collaboration across disciplinary borders.  The development of new technical systems requires an interdisciplinary integration of different approaches from different disciplines. Therefore, Mechatronics is a key technology of the 21st century.

In research and academics, we are primarily concerned with modeling, simulation, reliability, optimization, operation, condition monitoring including diagnosis and prognosis of mechanical, mechatronic and intelligent technical systems. The Chairs’ main areas of research are nonlinear dynamics, contact mechanics, friction, condition monitoring, data analytics, reliability engineering, sensors, actuators and ultrasound technology. In these areas our research is driven by sustainable approaches.

This results in a broad range of academic and research opportunities with fascinating new tasks to be met every day. A few of these applications are presented on the pages of this website.

Please feel free to contact us if we can provide you with further information.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Walter Sextro

Dynamics and Mechatronics (LDM)

Room P1.3.31.1
Paderborn University
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn

+49 5251 60-1801 Send E-Mail Directions

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Ex­kur­sion Fahrzeug­tech­nik nach Salzgit­ter

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