At this year's FOREL Colloquium, the Research and Technology Centre for resource-efficient lightweight structures in electric mobility brought together scientists and industry representatives from the lightweight design and vehicle industry sector. The focus was on the latest manufacturing technologies for function-integrative lightweight design in multi-material design. The ceremonial highlight was the unveiling of the FOREL MockUp.
Every year, the International Institute of Welding (IIW) organizes a conference at which approximately 500-750 scientists from the field of joining technology meet and exchange information on current research topics. This year the conference took place from 07-12 July in Bratislava.
At the Laboratory for Material and Joining Technology (LWF), a new research project is starting with the project "DigiBody - Digital Process Chain for the Design and Optimization of Joining Technology in Structural Bodies".
Vom 25. bis zum 28. Juni 2019 traf sich der gesamte Lehrstuhl des LWF® zum jährlichen Strategiemeeting in Göteborg. Im Zuge dessen erarbeiteten die Fachgruppen, gemeinsam mit Lehrstuhlinhaber Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerson Meschut, die strategische Ausrichtung. Ferner wurden fachgruppenübergreifende Synergieeffekte identifiziert und in den Lehrstuhlbetrieb integriert.
At the University of Paderborn, a new Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio (SFB/TRR) has been established in the field of product manufacturing with "Method development for mechanical joining in versatile process chains". The German Research Foundation (DFG) today announced funding of approximately 10 million euros from July this year until mid 2023. The research program, which is coordinated by the University of Paderborn, is designed…
This year's EFB project award goes to Mr. Sebastian Meyer (LWF) and Mr. Hendrik Vogt (IFUM) for the project "Introduction of functional elements during hot forming of 22MnB5" (18483N, EFB Research Report 498).
More than 240 participants from industry and research met at the 19th colloquium "Joint research in bonding technology" on 12 and 13 February 2019 at the Maternushaus in Cologne.
As part of the master lecture "Thermal Joining Processes", a one-day excursion to Tucker GmbH STANLEY Engineered Fastening in Gießen was offered on 21.01.2019.
Im Rahmen des FAT-Projektes „Leichtbaubatteriegehäuse“ wird vom LWF der Universität Paderborn und dem ika der RWTH Aachen eine integrative, gewichtsoptimierte Batteriegehäusestruktur für Volumenfahrzeuge entwickelt.
Completion of the research project "Method development for the simulation of the thermomechanical behaviour of adhesive layers in hybrid joints during the curing process"
On December 4 and 5, 2018, the 8th joint colloquium on joining technology organized by EFB, FOSTA and DVS Forschung will take place at the Schützenhof Paderborn.
On September 26, 2018, an excursion to Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH in Salzgitter took place as part of the lecture event "Joining of Lightweight Materials".
Das International Institute of Welding (IIW) organisiert in jedem Jahr eine große Tagung, auf welcher sich ca. 500-750 Wissenschaftler aus dem Bereich der Fügetechnik treffen und zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen austauschen. In diesem Jahr fand die Tagung vom 15.-20. Juli auf Bali in Indonesien statt.