An­nu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing of the As­so­ci­ation for the Pro­mo­tion of Plastics Tech­no­logy e.V. 2024

On June 25, 2024, the annual general meeting of the Association for the Promotion of Plastics Technology e.V. was held at the University of Paderborn. Numerous members from the industry attended the event to learn about the latest developments in plastics technology at Paderborn and to provide research impetus for the future.

A central point of the meeting was the election of the board. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Natrop and Dr.-Ing. Holger Stenzel, who were previously on the board, stepped down from their positions. At this point, we would like to thank both of them for their many years of dedication and their significant contributions to the association.

The members elected Dr.-Ing. Tobias Westhues as the new chairman of the board. In addition, Dr.-Ing. Stefan Seidel was welcomed as a new board member. Along with the current board member, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Winkelmann, who remains on the board, the new team now leads the association.

Another focus of the meeting was the presentation of current and upcoming research projects in plastics technology at Paderborn. These projects aim to develop innovative solutions for the challenges of the plastics industry and to further advance research in this field.

We look forward to successful collaboration with the new board team and are excited about the progress and achievements of the presented research projects. The Association for the Promotion of Plastics Technology e.V. will continue to be an important driving force for innovation and development in plastics technology at Paderborn.