Col­lab­or­at­ive Re­search Centre SFB/TRR 30 „pro­cess-in­teg­rated pro­duc­tion of re­fined struc­tures on the basis of ther­mo­mech­an­ic­ally linked phe­nom­ena“

The Sonderforschungsbereich Transregio 30 was established in 2006 at the universities of Dortmund, Paderborn and Kassel. After the very successful first research period the second four-year-old conveyor period was granted in the middle of 2010. The aim of the Collaborative Research Centre is developing new procedures of the metal and plastic contouring, which allows a production of new products whose qualities are orientated at respective claim profiles. Functional-refined structures are interesting for the car and aviation industry because they allow an optimum adaptation of component qualities at different places in a single structure. They open new possibilities for the lightweight construction.

A special challenge exists in terms of the development of manufacturing processes. These thermo-mechanical contouring procedures should lead to micro- and macrostructural component properties, which cannot be produced with conventional manufacturing processes.