28. Tech­nomer Chem­nitz 2023

The 28th Technomer was held in Chemnitz from 9th to 10th November 2023. The International Conference Technomer is organized biennially by the Institute of Materials Handling and Plastics at Chemnitz University of Technology, the Leipzig Plastics Center and the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden. Technomer focuses on the processing and application of polymers and offers a varied program, which in 2023 is divided into ten sections with 75 technical presentations and 27 poster contributions. These range from injection molding to extrusion and film technology, as well as additive manufacturing, digitalization and recycling in plastics technology. Karina Gevers and Christian Held attended the 28th Technomer to represent the KTP and present their research results, on mixed material welding of PC/ABS and PMMA in hot gas butt welding and preload force relaxation in direct screw fastened additively manufactured components, in the joining technology section. The content was well received by the audience and discussed constructively. The conference offered KTP employees the opportunity to establish and maintain national and international contacts outside of the technical presentations and at an extensive evening event.