Pro­ject sem­in­ar "Pro­ject plan­ning of ex­tru­sion lines" 2021

In the project seminar "Project Planning of Extrusion Lines", which is offered annually at the KTP, the participating students have the opportunity to design a blown film line on the basis of plastics technology and business management considerations. The seminar lasts five full working days (Monday to Friday).

This year again, 15 students worked together in three small groups within a business game under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Schöppner and the research assistants Dennis Kleinschmidt and Maximilian Frank and took on the challenge of project planning.

For their fictitious company, they planned the acquisition of a blown film line to supply a customer with agricultural film on a monthly basis. In the process, cost accounting, project planning and time management procedures were applied in practice. Furthermore, the students were given the opportunity to independently produce film with the customer-specific properties in laboratory tests at the blown film line of Kunststofftechnik Paderborn and to subsequently check these with regard to their mechanical properties by means of the tensile test. Using the process parameters of the laboratory plant, a scale-up was carried out to work out an optimum plant configuration for the preparation of the quotation. In the end, all groups were able to meet the specifications required by the customer and successfully complete the seminar.

Special thanks also go to the company LyondellBasell, which made this project seminar possible with its donation of LDPE plastic granulate.