Re­cyc­ling tech­no­logy state of the art: Stu­dents of the plastics re­cyc­ling lec­ture vis­it the Systec Plastics GmbH site of Grün­er Punkt in Hör­stel.

As part of the plastics recycling lecture, KTP students get an idea of modern recycling technology in the Systec Plastics processing plant for polypropylene plastic waste from the yellow bag. Plant manager Ivan Diestel gave the group a tour of the facility and explained how the delivered plastic bales are turned into a valuable raw material for the plastics industry via various shredding and washing stages, final regranulation and various quality controls. In this way, the students were able to experience in practice what they had learned theoretically in the lecture about plastics recycling.

"It was highly interesting to see how the starting material, which is quite mixed after all, is turned back into high-quality polypropylene," said Lisa Tölle, summing up her impressions. "I can well imagine offering such a tour to students of the department on a regular basis." Ivan Diestel would welcome it: "It's fun to walk through the plant with knowledgeable visitors and to discuss."