Ap­plic­a­tion Re­quire­ments

Application requirements for studying Chemical Engineering in the bachelor’s degree course are:

  • Graduation diploma (Abitur)
  • general or specialized entrance qualification for higher education and a proof of general knowledge (German, English, mathematics) and professional competence (knowledge in mathematics, technology, science; determination via Audit Committee chairman in a personal discussion)
  • a diploma acknowledged as equal via legal regulation
  • an internship with a scope of 6 weeks (more information here)

More information on requirements can be found here.

Important dates can be found here.

Enrolment Bachelor Degree Course

For an enrolment please contact  the Registrar’s Office.

The Bachelorcourse of studies CIW is no longer admission-limited.

For a grading into higher semesters and the crediting of courses the candidate needs to fill out the document here. Then he has to sign it and send it to the student advisor. You aslo may scan it and send it per mail.

Admission requirements for the Chemical Engineering Master Degree Course:

Degree of Bachelor Degree Course Chemical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering with specilization Process Engineering at the University of Paderborn

  • Degree of an equivalent Bachelor Course of Studies in the field of Chemical Engineering or Process Engineering at another German University
  • Degree of an equivalent Diploma in the field of Chemical Engineering or Process Engineering at a German technical college
  • Degree of an equivalent or applicable Course of Studieses
  • Internship with a scope of 6 weeks

More information on admission requirements can be found here.

The Audit Committee determines the decision on equivalence. Gradutes of applicable courses of studies may eventually need to do more test performances as another requirement, which is agreed upon with you.

To a quick determination of equivalence the applicants need to fill out the document here and to attach the requested proof of performance. You again also may scan it and send it per mail.

In case of further organizational matters concerning an enrolment please feel free to contact the Registrar’s Office.

Internal Transition from Bachelor to Master

As several questions occurred concerning the application process for the Master Degree Course we will provide some guidance as follows. The application is performed online in Paul and starts with the tab "Application", then “My applications”. Here you please enter if ou already studied: “No, I already studied for at least 1 semester.” Another menu pops up where you need to choose subject (Chemical Engineering) and the Course of Studies "Master". The Search-Button will lead you to an overview with the options for an enrolment to higher semesters and to the first semester. Normally you would apply for the first semester. Click on “apply” and another menu pops up. You need to fill in your personal information. In case of any problems please contact the Registrar’s Office.