General Questions

Who can I contact in case of any questions?

Please contact the Course guidance of Mechanical Engineering.

Is the course od studies Mechanical Engineering very difficult?

It is a challenge, as you will visit a variety of lectures you need to work on. This will be rewarded with the practical understanding of physical effects. In your every-day-life you will be able to find things in common, which will again help you to learn your study contents.

Is the course of studies Mechanical Engineering admission-limited? Is there a Numerus Clausus (NC)?

The course of studies Mechanical Engineering is not admission-limited.

What are the entrance requirements for the Course of studies Mechanical Engineering in Paderborn?

In order to enroll for the Course of studies Mechanical Engineering at the University of Paderborn you need the general matriculation standard (Abitur), a subject-related entrance qualification or a technical college degree. If you fulfill the requirements you may enroll for winter term. If you enroll with a technical college degree you need to provide further performances.

When can I apply for the course of studies Mechanical Engineering at the University of Paderborn?

In general the matriculation deadline for the winter term in the course of studies Mechanical Engineering lasts from mid June to the 10th of September each year. You should send your application documents to the registrar’s office to the 15th of July. More information on enrolment can be found on online on the pages of the registrar’s office, the consultant for students of Mechanical Engineerings is Patrick Moll.

Is there an advanced course of studies Mechanical Engineering at the University of Paderborn?

No, we offer the Master Degree Course instead.

How is the relationship between professors and students?

As the University of Paderborn is a rather manageable Campus University, it is characterized by rather ‘personal’ relationships between professors, lecturers and students.

Are bridge courses in mathematics, German and English compulsory?

Yes, if you enroll with a technical college degree for the diploma programe DII or the Bachelor-Course. The courses start 4 weeks before the semester starts. Precise dates can be found in the course catalog. 

Can I register without having fully completed the internship?

In general the internship of 12 weeks is a requirement for the Bachelor’s Degree. However, various reasons may allow students to do it only partially before they start their studies. You will need to fill out a document. Reasons can be insufficient time since you decided to study, unsuccessful efforts getting an internship or illness. In these cases you need to have done the internship not later than to the start of your bachelor’s thesis.

Do I have o expect crowded lecture halls in the course of studies Mechanical Engineering?

No. Especially in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering you do not need to worry about crowded lecture halls as these are overcrowded only rarely.

How long is the average standard study period in the Course of studies Mechanical Engineering?

For the Bachelor course of studies the Standard study period is 6 semesters and for the Master course of studies it is 4 semesters. The average study period for the Bachelor’s Degree Course is 7 semesters, the Master is done within 3 semesters by lots of students.  

When does the Course of studies Mechanical Engineering start?

The Bachelor-Course of studies Mechanical Engineering starts in winter term. A orientation week is offered mid Octobre. You may enroll to the Master Degree course in winter and summer term.

Can a technical education I did before help?

Yes, it allows you a much easier understanding of the content to be learned.

Is an advanced course in mathematics and/or physics any help?

Yes, it allows you an easier start into the studies. However, you still need to deal with the course content. The first semester is one to raise all students to one level and therefore form the basis for the following semesters. It is therefore possible, to study Mechanical Engineering without having done one of these advanced courses at school.

Questions concerning the basic studies

How long do the basic studies take?

In general they take 4 semesters. It is successfully completed if you passed all your exams. Basic contents and methods Mechanical Engineering shall be conveyed.

What performances do I have to do in my basic studies?

Please check the study manuals for the bachelor degree course.

Is my technical education approved as a substitute for an internship?

In general, an education is accepted as an internship. It is important that you are able to proof the durations in individual fields of work and that you have written appropriate work records. Furthermore, you need to have performed the required actions practically and not only theoretically. Not the Course guidance of Industrial Engineering, but the internship associates of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering are responsible for the approval.

What is a (SWS)? What are ECTS?

A lecture that is held on one day per week with a scope of 2h per week has a scope of 2 SWS, if it is held at 2 days a week with a scope of 2h each, it is 4 SWS. ECTS are credit points that are accepted across Europe. 1 ECTS equals a workload of 30 hours. In general, 1 semester comprises 30 ECTS.

When and how do I enroll for exams?

See here.

Can I deregister an exam?

See here.

How do I know if I am registered for an exam?

See here.

Who can I contact in case of any questions?

Please feel free to contact the Course guidance Mechanical Engineering.

What if I missed the enrolment period? Can I still do exams?

No, that is not possible.

When can I start doing exams from my in-depth studies?

The exam regulations for the Bachlor of Mechanical Engineering v1 determine that you may take exams in the in-depth studies if you only need to do one more exam from your basic studies. If there are more courses left to do, you need the approval of the Audit Committee chairman.

The exam regulations Bachelor v2 determine that with any number of basic studies courses still to do you still can do exams in the in-depth studies; this includes students who started their studies in winter term 2010/2011.

What if I did not pass a subject?

In your basic studies you are offered one exam per semester. You do not need to worry; you may do the exam again the following semester.

In your in-depth studies there are subjects that can only be offered with an exam once per year. You may take an oral exam the following semester.

After your second attempt you have a last chance to pass the exam. This will always be oral. The date will be arranged with the examiner at least two weeks beforehand and registered in the Examination office. If you do not pass this exam, you are no longer authorized for your studies, unless a request of cancellation is successful and you get a 2nd third attempt. You may also change the course of studies if you do not pass special exams. You may also request a change of your basic or compulsory module and get your courses so far credited as extracurricular studies or within the new module if possible.

Questions concerning in-depth studies

Who sets the topic for research projects diploma, Bachelor- and Master’s Theses?

Topics are hang out from the chairs of the faculty for Mechanical Engineering or given on request. You may also suggest topics. Otherwise, assignments for Bachelor- or Master theses are hand out solely by responsible professors. Companies or other extern institutions cannot offer but suggest theses. If you intend to write your thesis in a company or another extern institution, you need to obtain permission of your responsible (PO: "examiner") and to coordinate the assignment and modalities with him.

Kann ich Masterleistungen bereits im Bachelor vorziehen? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen dafür ggf. erfüllt sein?

Wer in den Bachelor Maschinenbau der Universität Paderborn eingeschrieben ist, kann unter folgenden Voraussetzungen vorzeitig Prüfungen aus dem Masterstudiengang Maschinenbau ablegen:

- mindestens 152 abschlussrelevante Leistungspunkte im Bachelorstudium erworben
- vollständig erbrachtes und anerkanntes Praktikum
- Umfang der vorzuziehenden Masterleistungen überschreiten 30 Leistungspunkte nicht

Falls Sie Masterprüfungen vorzeitig belegen wollen, stellen Sie bitte einen Antrag an den Prüfungsausschuss.

Das Vorziehen von Masterprüfungen ist nur einmalig in einem Semester möglich!
Durch das Vorziehen von Masterprüfungen hat die bzw. der Studierende kein Anrecht auf Einschreibung in den Masterstudiengang und auch kein Anrecht auf eine bestimmte Prüfungsordnung. Das Vorziehen geschieht auf eigenes Risiko der bzw. des Studierenden. Weiterhin bewirkt das Vorziehen von Masterprüfungen keine automatische Einschreibung in den Masterstudiengang. Die Einschreibung in den Masterstudiengang muss von den Studierenden fristgerecht beim Studierendensekretariat vorgenommen werden. 

When can I start my Diploma, Bachelor- or Master’s Thesis?

The Diploma, Bachelor- or Master’s Thesis basically is the last test performance in the corresponding course of studies. All other exams need to be passed and performances as internships or courses need to be done in order to register for your final thesis. An admission is also possible if not more than 2 performances are missing and if it is predictable that you can repeat these without an impairment of your study progress.  

Can I write my project work in a company?

Yes, if you find a supervisor at the University.

I put a focus on the field X in my Bachelor studies. Can I focus on the field Z in my Master studies?

Yes, you may change the topic of your in-depth studies. We recommend catching up the bachelor content, either in form of extracurricular studies or as a voluntary additional performance.

When am I authorized to do my doctorate?

After successful Mechanical Engineering Studies with the diploma DII (Dipl.-Ing.) and the master degree (M.-Sc) you may do your doctorate in Mechanical Engineering.

Who can I contact in case of any questions?

Please feel free to contact the Course guidance Mechanical Engineering.