FAQ Bach­el­or’s De­gree

An overview about the course content of the Bachelor’s Degrees can be found in the study manual.

The Bachelor’s Degree has a standard study period of 6 semesters; 4 semesters basic studies- and 2 semesters in-depth studies. Your studies are completed successfully if you performed all the required exams and your bachelor’s thesis. The course of studies shall provide the knowledge to work in a scientific manner and on selected areas of Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering and Business Administration.

In general, an education is accepted as an internship. It is important that you are able to proof the durations in individual fields of work and that you have written appropriate work records. Furthermore, you need to have performed the required actions practically and not only theoretically. Not the Course guidance of Industrial Engineering, but the internship associates of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering are responsible for the approval.

Mechanical Engineering:

Mr. Herbers

Room: P.

Phone: 05251/60 3648



Electrical Engineering:

Mr. Häb-Umbach
Room: P7.205.3
Phone: 05251/60 3626


You receive Credit points for every single course. One credit point equals a workload of 30 hours. It consists of visiting the lecture, preparation and follow-up of the single lectures and self-studies. In your basic studies you need to get 120 LP, in your in-depth studies it are 60 LP.

Usually you have 14 days to register for exams and it takes place during the semester. Precise dates are declared in front of the Examination office (Room B0.324). The registration takes place via PAUL- the central organization- and action platform of the University of Paderborn. You can enroll during the time between the terms when the courses are offered before they start.

Yes. Up to one week before the exam you may cancel the exam without the need to mention any reasons.

In this case you need to hand in a medical certificate at the Examination office not later than 3 days after the exam date. The doctor needs to sign the certificate not later than the day the exam takes place. He also has to determine the inability to take an examination.

After the enrolment period the Examination Office hangs out registration lists. On this list you can find the students (matriculation number) who have enrolled for an exam. Additionally, you can find these data in the electronic course catalog online.

No, that is not possible.

Yes. You need to visit the responsible professors to get your single test performances credited. The professor decides if the performance is credited restrictedly, unrestrictedly or not at all.

Modules are compulsory and compulsory optional modules (eg. Fundamentals of BWL A), that are composed of single lectures (eg. In fundamentals of BWL A: Marketing, Annual Accounts…).

A course is a lecture, training or internship you need to finish with an exam. 

You need to prove your internship not later than to the point you register your bachelor thesis. Further information can be found in internship regulations.

We recommend to have finished the internship not later than to the beginning of the 3rd semester, as the semester vacations do not provide enough time to finish an internship.

It is expected to write the bachelor’s thesis in the 5th or 6th semester during your studies. Requirements for an admission to register for the bachelor’s thesis are completed basic studies and a completed and credited internship of 12 weeks. 

If an exam is missing you cannot register for the bachelor’s thesis.

You can suggest topics. Otherwise, assignments for Bachelor- or Master theses are hand out solely by responsible professors. Companies or other extern institutions cannot offer but suggest theses. If you intend to write your thesis in a company or another extern institution, you need to obtain permission of your responsible (PO: "examiner") and to coordinate the assignment and modalities with him.

You may write the bachelor’s thesis with fellow students, if single paragraphs and authors can be clearly assigned to them.

You will receive 12 LP for the bachelor’s thesis and 3 LP for the colloquium to the bachelor’s thesis.

You have the option to apply for a semester abroad at one of our partner universities with the help of the University of Paderborn. Of course you may choose the university abroad. We recommend arranging with your professors about the course contents abroad in advance, as they are responsible for the crediting.

For further information concerning application periods and financing please feel free to contact the International Office.